Behind The Scenes: The End Of Veteran Homelessness

Homelessness, Events

A little over a year ago, I graduated from FIU.   I studied communication arts– never dreaming I would walk out of college and right into a full time job!  But I did and I’m very grateful.

While studying at FIU, I created lots of campaigns, read many case studies, and learned countless communication theories.

But on August 2, 2018, all those theories went out the door as I was standing face-to-face with the Secretary of US-HUD, Congressional leaders, elected commissioners, our County Mayor and a sea of men and women who served our country as veterans.  We were announcing the effective end to veteran’s homelessness in Miami-Dade.

On that day, I gained major perspective.

I shifted my mind from one used to turning in school assignments to one that takes full responsibility for helping to organize a major event with an honorary line-up of notable and accomplished leaders.

The speed at which we had to create this event left my head spinning.  In less than two weeks, we had….

  • Locations to secure.
  • Event walk-throughs to confirm.
  • Choirs to book.
  • Speakers to coordinate.
  • Signs to secure.
  • Media advisories to write.
  • Schedules to manage.
  • Talking points to flesh out.
  • A pre-event 10 pm video dry run to execute.
  • Press releases to distribute.
  • Photos to take.
  • Social media to write and post.

Needless to say, I learned quickly that anything is possible when you have an incredible team by your side.

I was honored to perform behind-the-scenes work to honor the homeless men and women who have served our country so well, giving my family the freedom to come to this country and start a life that has enabled me to be where I am today.

Some will remember this day by the newspaper and TV coverage we locked in Still others will remember it by personal photos.  But me…I will remember it as the day I grew up on the job and lived to tell!



14 NE 1st Ave. #405
Miami, FL 33132