Lately, I have had the joy to celebrate many 50thAnniversaries – Birthdays (not mine just yet), Weddings, Corporate Anniversaries – it seems like within the last year or so, this milestone has been everywhere.
So it made me think—What’s so great about turning 50? What’s so great about turning 50 as a human being, as a couple or as an organization? To be honest, I’m not sure if I should welcome the big 5-0 or dread it. I really began to reflect on this accomplishment – because I soon realized, it truly is an accomplishment.
We are often reminded in our personal lives and work lives to stop and smell the roses. We’re so caught up in finishing the tasks at hand and checking them off that we completely forget to enjoy how we actually got there in the first place and what we learned in that process.
This summer, my family and I hiked some trails in Northern California. PS-I’m not a hiker. I was worried about one of my party of 5 slipping and falling from a cliff – (presumably me) – I just couldn’t wait to finish and be done with this potentially dangerous sport – let’s check off this task. It’s really not that dangerous, but if you know me, you would know that I’m a walking hazard. While I was worrying and wondering where in the world we would end up and why it didn’t dawn on me to take that picture of the trail for directions, – my eldest jumps in front of me and says, “Mom, relax and remember it’s about the journey and not the destination.” Easy for her to say – she’s an invincible teenager. I really just wanted to be able to check this off our list and get to the finish line – safely.
I thought about all of the journeys 50 years can bring and the finish lines that were crossed successfully or unsuccessfully. Then my mind raced to work and this couldn’t be more true…Ralph Waldo Emerson (and now my daughter) once said, “It’s not about the destination, it’s the journey.”
It made me think about how we all get sucked up on the bottom line, end result, drop-dead deadline, the DESTINATION. But, how exactly did we get there? What did we learn from it? Who crossed our paths along the way and why?
I have had the privilege to work alongside my colleagues on many projects with aggressive deadlines and fast turnarounds – magically making beautiful things happen and reaching our destination. But one particular project stands out – a project that began with a new client, new personalities, new projects, new responsibilities and sprinkle in a major milestone on top of that – a 50th anniversary! Our combined team worked feverishly to make it the best 50thever for the organization, its stakeholders and the community at-large. It felt like every month we had a destination and we had to get there in lightning speed and it was like that for a full year. While we had some hiccups along the way, I am grateful for every moment we agreed, we disagreed and the human connections we made in the process.
I am able to look back at that time with pride. We did it! We made it happen somehow, and we STILL have the client 😉 But what I remember most is the connections we made along the way. We were afforded the opportunity to speak to people in our community, about our community and make an impact.
Turning 50 is a HUGE accomplishment. It’s a reminder and a celebration of the journey it took to get there and how fortunate we are to be able to partake. No matter where that road has led, with or without directions, we should be honored to embark on this journey together.
So, today while you’re in the midst of completing your task, enjoy all the treasures along the way and people who have crossed your path just for that moment…Even if you’re on a cliff on the side of a mountain-literally and figuratively!