Over the last few months, I’ve been peppered with the question, “who you gonna vote for?”

I’m not sure this is an honest question, though. Every time somebody asks who I’m voting for, I can’t help but feel that what they’re really doing is trying to figure out whether I am one of them or one of those “other people” (insert frown, furrowed brow, and disappointed gaze). 

Not so long ago, who you voted for was nobody else’s business. People of the same “tribe” might vote for different people or even be registered to different parties. There were other, more important things that drew us together. Politics, in fact, was rarely even spoken about. You might’ve heard about a time when moms everywhere would say something like, “we don’t talk about politics or religion at the table.”

I can say with only a hint of sarcasm that today, for many people, politics is religion — a religion for which there are two denominations: Democrats and Republicans. Each denomination adheres zealously to its own, distinct doctrine. Not only that, any doctrine outside of each’s accepted dogma is not just wrong, it’s dangerous… an existential threat… downright evil.

What god do these denominations serve?

Government. Government will fix everything…

…but only if we all follow the savior, a.k.a. the candidate.

You can celebrate and learn about this religion, and its denominations, by going to church and listening to the priests You don’t have to go far; you can find one of their churches at virtually every corner of the Internet, or just go to Fox News, MSNBC, The Post (either Washington or New York), etc.

Yes, this perspective is disturbing, but it’s not so far removed from reality, and I offer it simply to prepare you for what I provided when asked to write THIS OPED PIECE FOR THE BISCAYNE TIMES ABOUT WHO I RECOMMEND YOU VOTE FOR.







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Miami, FL 33132